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SSS2 Ep3 - Corona Special

 This episode is now out of date. I wouldn't bother listening, unless you have historical interest in what was being talked about at the time.

A quick episode on the Corona Covid 19 virus - it may go out of date very quickly - time will tell. Hopefully it is a massive over reaction.

Take home messages are:

1) yes it is serious- especially if you are old or sick

2) for most people it is a mild illness

3) therefore it spreads easily

4) there is no treatment

5) prevention means :

Wash your hands and don't touch your face.

Wash your hands and don't touch your face.

Wash your hands and don't touch your face.

Reconsider travel.

Think about crowds, think about what and who you touch.

Think about working from home.

A mask won't help but...will stop you from touching your face.

*****EDIT**** Of course we now know a mask will help - I wrote that when the pandemic was first noted in late February and the authorities were operating on the assumption that it would spread too easily for a mask to be effective - that advice changed by April. ( and really, it should have been obvious from the start by observing China and Taiwan...but you live and learn) *********

Think - if I have it will I avoid infecting people at risk?


Wash your hands and don't touch your face.

A couple of good youtubers are: Medcram. and Dr John Campbell.

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