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Stopping Smoking

With the help of self Hypnosis

Stopping Smoking with Self Hypnosis - Podcasts are below. Please read this information first.

There are four podcasts in this series. They need to be listened to in order. Do not skip ahead to the self hypnosis exercise without listening to the other episodes first, as the self hypnosis exercise builds on the ideas introduced in the other episodes.


These podcasts are developed from a stop smoking hypnosis program that I deliver in my office. The success rate of this program is at present 78% (as of april 2021).


The success rate of the home program via the podcasts is expected to be higher, as it is more detailed and comprehensive than that which I can deliver in person, as there is more time. 


The total listening time is about 2 hours.


Do not listen all in one go. The first three episodes can be listened to together if desired, but the self hypnosis exercise should be done separately, when you are fresh and when you have sufficient time.


If you smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day and you want to use nicotine replacement products such as patches, then it is important to have started using these before listening to the last podcast. Generally you will need to start them a few days before, and you can keep smoking at a reduced amount while on the patches. (Here is a link to a guide to using NRT). Using a nicotine replacement product substantially increases your chance of stopping, but you do have to use them properly as directed for 12 weeks, so the process of stopping may seem a little longer.


 Whether or not you are using NRT, you will plan to have your last cigarette before listening to the final episode. This is one of the most important days of your life. There are very few days that will have as profound an effect on your future as the day you stop smoking. On that day you can throw away your tobacco, ash trays and look forward to a future as a non smoker.


After listening to the final episode you will consider yourself a non smoker, and you will find the desire to smoke rapidly diminishing.


I would like you to email me and register before listening to the final podcast, but this is entirely voluntary. This is for my quality control so that I can monitor the success of the program. Either click the button or email me at:



I will not use your email for any other purpose and will discard your address after 6 months. It is just a normal gmail account and has the standard security of a gmail account.


Once you have stopped smoking you should listen to the podcasts again. Listen to the self hypnosis episode at least three times a week for the first few weeks. You can listen to the others as well to remind yourself about the concepts. 

Very good. You can access the podcasts by clicking the links below, or by using your podcast platform directly on your mobile device.




Episode 1 - introduction to program.


Episode 2 - about smoking.


Episode 3- about self hypnosis.


Episode 4 - self hypnosis exercise.


Apart from their effect on your smoking, I hope you enjoy listening to the podcasts and experiencing the relaxed trance of self hypnosis. If you enjoy that there are many other such meditative programs - I have made a few in the first series of soothing science. 


And just a final reminder that if you have valued this experience then please consider a voluntary payment to reward me for my efforts. 

All the best, Adrian.





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Everything on this website and in the podcasts is free. I am on a mission to reduce smoking rates.


I would appreciate a voluntary payment to cover my costs and work if you can afford it.


A dollar or two is enough to cover costs.


When you stop smoking you will have thousands of dollars more per year. If you believe that my course has helped you to stop, then I would like you to pay me the equivalent of a couple of packets of cigarettes, or whatever amount you believe appropriate.


Its up to you and there is no obligation.


Help Support My Work

Dr.Adrian Plaskitt

General practitioner, and science enthusiast.

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